Donations to RTS
What, When, and Where to Donate

Donation Hours:
Monday thru Saturday 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM (Except holidays below)
Please bring all donations to our designated back door on Bailey Avenue only during these hours.
There is an informational sign and a short term donation parking space specifically designated for donations.
Donations Closed During The Following Dates
December 23rd through January 2nd
Please read our list of acceptable items and the list of items we cannot accept is detailed below.
We are always grateful for your donations as we are 100% volunteers and all the money goes to local not-for-profits.
Thank you for supporting RTS!
Accessories - Hats, Scarves, Purses, Gloves, Ties, Belts
Appliances - Blenders, Coffee Machines, Toaster, Vacuums, etc
Beauty - Unopened Fragrances, Body Product, Gift Sets
Bedding - Sheets, Blankets, Bed Skirts, Comforters, Shams, Duvets
Clothing - Men's, Women's, Junior's, Children's, Infant's
Crafts - Stickers, Craft Books, Art Supplies.
Electronics - Phone Systems, Apple Devices, CD and DVD Players, Â
Footwear - Shoes, Sneakers, Boots. Sandals
Formal Wear - Tuxedos, Suits, Prom Dresses, Ball Gowns and Costumes
Games - Complete Board Games, Toys,
Holiday Decorations
Home Goods -Â Tableware, Vintage Linens, Decorative Pillows, Towels, etc,Â
Housewares - Utensils, Dishes, Glasses, Pots and Pans, Chrystal, Â Cut Glass
Lighting - Lamps, Sconces, New Candles
Media - Books, Records, DVDs, CDs
Picture Frames
School Supplies - Calculators, Spirals, Folders, etc.
Sport Equipment - Clubs, Bats, Gloves, Skates, Padding, Rackets, etc.
Items we cannot accept for our customers' health and safety:
Nothing broken, torn, chipped, or soiled
No medical equipment of any kind
No healthcare equipment
No cosmetics, contact lens paraphernalia or nail polish
No infant's equipment of any kind: (car seat, swing, stroller, bassinet, crib, pack 'n play)
No food of any kind
No used underwear, women bathing suits and socks
No humidifiers (we do accept dehumidifiers and air purifiers)
No helmets of any kind
No downhill skis
No bed (sleeping) pillows
We also cannot accept these items, our space is limited:
No Furniture
No Rugs
No Computers, Printers, Fax Machines & TV’s predating 2012
No Chandeliers - Not able to test and tripping hazard
No Drapery Hardware - (Curtain Rods, Window Blinds, etc)
No Encyclopedias, Magazines
No Filing Cabinets
No Large Exercise Equipment
No Large Speakers
​No Metal Bed Frames, Mattresses, Aerobeds
No Sewing Machines in Cabinets
​No VHS Tapes, Cassettes (Video Games OK)
No Wedding Dresses